What takes up a lot of your time that if you pushed off your plate and empowered the business would allow you the time necessary to be a successful Business Driver?
What's leftover on the dessert tray?
Can you relate to getting to the dessert tray late and being left with the apple strudel because the caramels, nanaimo bars and sticky-sweet desserts are all gone? I think we've all been there, and probably in the not too distant past given we've just come off of the holiday season.
What would your ultimate dessert tray look like? What if the "leftovers" were just as good as what was taken first?
Now translate that to careers: We all have the ultimate choice about where we work and we should invest time to make sure we have a tray filled with our favourite kinds of Chocolates and not dried-up fruitcake. Here's three aspects of organization fit for HR professionals to consider: What's your culture, Who's your team and What's your power.
What's your culture?
This is a broad question, but it covers the speed of your company the stage of your business and the personality of your brand. Is it a work-hard, play hard atmosphere, or is it more of an administrative machine?
Who's your team?
Do you like the people you work with? Are they the type of people you love to see every day and is there some unity with the way everyone approaches HR?
What's your power?
Everyone claims that people are their most important asset, but there are different things that power different businesses. This changes the look of an HR department. For example, an oil and gas production company is powered a lot by the pressure underground that drives the fuel to the surface. People come into play as they need to know how to use the technology properly. On the other side of the spectrum, service based companies who rely on customer service, must invest a lot in their people, vs. technology to get things done. HR plays a huge part in this.
The question to ask yourself is: What does the dessert tray look like that awaits you every morning at your desk, and is it a fit with your preferences. There is an organization out there that mirrors your ultimate dessert tray and is waiting for your contribution to its success. You owe it to yourself to do some investigation to find that company.