Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Social Media implications for HR

Social Media (Facebook, twitter, blogging, shutterfly, flickr, etc.) has a huge following. With so much people-attention and time focused on this activity, the future of HR will be impacted. That impact may in some cases be dealing with employee abuse of these sites, but we need to look beyond that at the potential these tools have to increase the productivity of our companies.
The video below gives an entertaining overview of social media and its power. What does the future (and the present) look like for social media in the HR Profession? We're looking for comments on:
How do we think this will change the future of HR?What are the challenges and benefits of having Social media in the workplace?How could we leverage tribes to contribute to employee learning, development and engagement?Is anyone currently using social media for a net-positive impact?


  1. Most companies don't allow social media at work because of the negative impacts - security risks, lost productivity, etc. But what about the positives? With companies who have employees in many citiies, provinces, etc. social media could be fantastic. A quick way to share ideas with co-workers doing the same work in other parts of the country. Sharing ideas, questions and wins in a quick and inexpensive way. It also speaks to the desire of our younger generations to be connected with a community.

  2. It will be interesting to see what the next 5 years will look like in the workplace. The challenge for HR will be to look at ways at leveraging social media to increase employee engagement and create efficiences without losing the productivity of our employees. I think the more we can connect our employees by giving them access to their like-interest "tribes",the more we will unlock the potential of our employees

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Employees are an un-tapped resource of knowledge who, arguably, already live and breathe the value of the company they work for. Why not create social media sites and solicit employees to post discussions and comments within them? Social media is no longer ‘taboo’…it’s the norm. Chances are that employees are already posting their ideas online somewhere…why not give them the opportunity to share their ideas with their own ‘tribe’? Likely this would not only increase engagement, but it would also create an international forum of potential top candidates to recruit to our companies.

    Watch this video and become captivated by the “Social Media Revolution”.

    Social Media Revolution Video
