Ultimate success in HR is that we work with business leaders to drive successful human capital decisions, structure and processes that result in tangible improvements to the success of the organization. To be successful in this type of "Business Driver" role takes time to build critical relationships, really understand the business, establish and evaluate metrics, effectively network, etc.
For those who wish to attain this level, there are things we have to let go of in order to free up time for the above "Important but not urgent" activities. I'd like to get some of your thoughts on those things that as HR professionals we can "give up" in order to free up more time.
For example, will the business crash and burn if we don't hold their hand through every individual employee performance issue? If we empower leaders to make their own judgements in this regard, they'll learn and gain confidence in their abilities either through their success or their failure. Yes it is a risk, but how much do we blow that risk out of proportion in HR? Is our job really to be the ones that make sure no one messes up decisions related to employees? If so, we'll likely never be a successful business driver.
What takes up a lot of your time that if you pushed off your plate and empowered the business would allow you the time necessary to be a successful Business Driver?